Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have been following this mod for about a year, and I still can't wait for this mod. The Mod is called Black Mesa, which is a remake of the original Half life game. Looking at some of the screen shots for this game blows some of the stuff that even Valve makes out of the water. The game is going to include Dr. Kleiner, Barney, and even Eli Vance. Not only have they made screen shots to get you excited, they also are making videos on YouTube that make you want more.

Everything is getting ramped up; levels, Characters, enemies, and more. Apparently the Artificial intelligence is going to be tweaked too, so the enemies will be more aware of their environment (only another step to Skynet becoming self aware)

So the game looks amazing but the developers have given absolutely no word on when the mod is going to come out. They're going off the "It will come out when its done" route. But the wait is going to be worth it because this game is completely FREE, all you will need is any game with the Source code in it and this mod is yours. For more information go to their website at blackmesasource.com.

So my question for you guys, whats your favorite game mod? Mine would have to be Day Hard.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Must it be daily?

ok, ok. So I'm not good at this, well I have one thing to say...


My question to you guys this blog is what is your New Year Resolutions?

Mine currently is to get better grades in school and make more videos, that's it. Not a lot but their big to me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Where is Week 12!?

ok, I know now that most of you are now thinking where the hell is Week 12 vlog, well the reason is because I have run into so many problems with my computer and the internet that it was impossible to post a vlog. So now I'm going to wait till next week.

So the question for this post is what is the worst computer you've had? viruses, hackers, or whatever.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pathetic, Just Pathetic...

Ok so today I ran into what I see, is a pathetic guy trying to hack my account. Here is the conversation we had today:

r+k rock !: hey
Vaksha: hi
r+k rock !: are you nice
r+k rock !: are you nice

Vaksha: I like to think I'm a nice guy
r+k rock !: will you switch accounts
Vaksha: no
r+k rock !: why pklz
Vaksha: I'm sorry, no
Vaksha: why do you want to switch

r+k rock !: well i am banned from this awsome server plz i have got 200 games
Vaksha: sure you do...
r+k rock !: yer
r+k rock !: if you dont belive me look

Vaksha: at what?
r+k rock !: i will send you a email
r+k rock !: wat is your email addres
r+k rock ! is now Offline.

Of course I didnt respond to that and left the guy hanging but I want to know, Have you guys ever ran into this kind of thing?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who is Vaksha?

Vaksha is my internet alias, now I know most people make up an alias to avoid getting raped when they post videos on the internet and that's why I made an internet alias. After google-ing my alias I found this website:


Its great to know that my alias will be known as stone refurbishing...

Now I've reached the age where I know I can't get raped unless its a gang-rape. My real name is Joseph Paul Cawley, and I actually told people that, and they gasped, thinking I was crazy telling them that information. But I honestly don't care now.

Ok, so tell me in the comments what is the weirdest internet alias you know.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Slip, trip, and a fall...

CRAP! Did I already miss a blog, God I am so new to this. Well today I have taken my Biology Final and plan on meeting another Youtuber like myself. Yesterday I ran across this stupid video, but I couldn't stop watching it, Check it out:

All the Bacon

This weekend I will begin the creation of Gtown, the machinima series I hope to be successful.

Now my question to you guys is what is the dumbest video you've ever seen, tell me in the comments!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let us begin!

Well this is the first blog update, let us celebrate! This week is finals week and I've got some studying to do. As well as some projects.

Anyways Christmas is around the corner, and for the few of you that are seeing this blog I am curious, what do you want for chrismas? or Hanukkah, or Quanza or whatever you celebrate.